Monthly Archives: September 2015

Gut Bacteria Play an Important Role in IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects 15-20% of Americans and is the most common GI condition, yet we still don’t know what causes it. The medical community often categorizes IBS symptoms as stress-related, but a recent study shows that although stress may be a contributing factor, gut bacteria play an important, and maybe even causative role. […]

Laxatives, Fiber and Cancer Risk

Almost 1 in 5 Americans use laxatives regularly, but not all laxatives (or laxative users!) are the same. Stimulant laxatives – the most popular kind– may be associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer (CRC), while fiber laxatives may reduce the risk. A study from Washington State recently validated this concept when they found […]

Sewage – An Important Predictor of Your Health

A 2015 study published by the American Society of Microbiology revealed there are other factors besides what we eat that can predict a city’s health – turns out what comes out of our digestive tracts is pretty important too! At the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, scientists discovered that microbial contents in sewage are almost 90% accurate […]