Gutbliss Weekly Review – March 18, 2016

  1. Eat prebiotic fiber to promote bone health and prevent osteoporosis. Prebiotic fiber acts as food for probiotic gut bacteria and, when fermented, produce short chain fatty acids (SCFAs). SCFAs increase calcium absorption by improving the gut lining’s ability to absorb calcium and by decreasing intestinal pH levels, which increases calcium solubility. Increase your prebiotic fiber intake by consuming foods such as onions, garlic, leeks, artichokes, chicory root, and asparagus. Current Osteoporosis Reports


  1. Switching to more natural personal care products for just 3 days could have profound impacts on the endocrine system. When using personal care products free of phthalates, parabens, triclosan and oxybenzone – all chemicals shown to disrupt the endocrine system – for 3 days, harmful chemical levels dropped by almost half in teen girls. Read more about environmental disruptors Berkeley and 9 ways to rid your body of toxins daily.


  1. Why is nutrient (or dietary) diversity so important in promoting health? It encourages a diverse range of gut bacteria, increasing the “richness” of the communication (or signaling) between the gut and the rest of the body that promotes health and prevents disease. Conventional farming practices that limit plant species diversity, as well as the limiting of our own diets, diminish microbial species and result in a less active gut signaling system. Molecular Metabolism


  1. In a disturbing new study (on a very old topic), scientists quantify just how sickening (literally!) the American diet is. On average 58% of our daily energy intake consists of ultra-processed foods. So what exactly are we eating 58% of the time? Soft drinks, fruit drinks, cakes, cookies, pies, breads, desserts, sweet snacks, cereal, and ice cream. Think outside the (processed food) box – eat more vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. BMJ Open


  1. Changes in the microbiome may cause PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)-related obesity, although more research is needed to confirm a causal relationship. Mice injected with hormones to induce PCOS symptoms show alterations in gut bacteria linked to PCOS-related metabolic syndrome. PHG Foundation


  1. A healthy diet, sleep, and exercise are the trifecta for a balanced microbiome. All are important tools in reducing inflammation, promoting optimal immune function, and balancing gut bacteria. While diet may be the most significant, adequate sleep (women, you may need more sleep than your male counterparts) and exercise are also necessary for microbial health. Medscape


  1. Vegetarianism and autoimmune disease – is there a link? For some there may be. But for virtually everyone, eating more vegetables is a crucial part of disease prevention. MindBodyGreen


  1. Daylong sitting increases anxiety risk. Could there be a microbial component to this finding? BMC Public Health


  1. Bacteria and viruses could be the root cause of Alzheimer’s disease, including herpes virus, chlamydia bacteria, and spirochete bacteria. Experts say the connection is undeniable and call for more research in this area. TIME


  1. Gloves and a clever disguise may no longer protect a criminal’s identity. Microbial DNA, something we shed everywhere we go no matter what we’re wearing, may accurately identify individuals at the scene of a crime. Science Magazine


By: Leslie Ann Berg, MSPH