Gutbliss Weekly Review – March 25, 2016

  1. Meet new people, shake hands, improve your microbial diversity! Social interaction, including physical touch, could help reverse the microbial extinction we’re witnessing inside our guts. The Academic Minute


  1. Eat fermented foods, reduce your anxiety. It may not be quite that simple, but a new study shows that encouraging the growth of beneficial gut bacteria with diet may lead to decreased anxiety levels, especially in those who are at higher risk for social anxiety disorder. Science Daily


  1. Coffee beans contain a soluble fiber that encourages the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. 2 cups of coffee contain a soluble fiber amount equivalent to that of an apple, yet coffee lacks the insoluble plant fiber that is so beneficial and vital for gut health. While coffee alone won’t secure your daily fiber intake, 1 to 2 cups daily could be considered beneficial for your microbes. Science News


  1. Scientists continue to map the microbiome of different disease states as a way to create microbial diagnostic and treatment tools. The latest areas of study include rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis (specifically), and celiac disease. While a causal relationship between altered gut bacteria and disease is not conclusive, research continues to confirm their strong and undeniable association.


  1. Artificial sweeteners have profound, detrimental effects on the microbiome, metabolism, and overall health and disease risk. If you consume artificial sweeteners, please take a look. MedScape


  1. Biofilm, bacteria that clump together before entering the body, not single-celled bacteria, may be the root cause of chronic infection; they are far stronger than single-celled bacteria, outmatching them for nutrients and survival, and are resistant to antibiotics. Scientists encourage a research “paradigm shift” that focuses on biofilms instead of single bacteria. University of Copenhagen


  1. The intestinal microbiome as the brain’s “peacekeeper” continues to gain scientific support. Read the latest review on the gut’s role in regulating behavior and brain health and disease, and microbiome-focused therapies for neurological and developmental disorders. Frontiers in Microbiology


  1. Enteral prebiotic supplementation shows significant positive changes in the microbiome of preterm infants fed exclusively human breast milk. “The complete removal of formula” is credited for reducing the growth of pathogenic bacteria, which has not been observed in previous studies that include infant formula. Journal of Research in Pharmacy Practice


  1. Socioeconomic status determines microbial health in children. When the microbiome of low and high socioeconomic children in Brazil were compared, those living in poverty were found to possess a more favorable microbiome. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition


  1. The use of antibiotics in treating inflammatory bowel disease is reviewed. Researchers compare the efficacy of single and combination antibiotic use and antibiotic use in conjunction with other medications. To Gutbliss’ delight, the serious implications antibiotics have on the microbiome, the bacterial alterations that can ensue, and their systemic effects are highlighted. Digestive Diseases


By: Leslie Ann Berg, MSPH