Gutbliss Weekly Review – May 15, 2016

  1. Dirt could take the place of your antidepressant. Mycobacterium vaccae, a microbe found in soil, causes a rise in cytokines, which stimulates serotonin production, increasing feelings of relaxation and happiness. Exposure through inhalation and contact with skin leads to antidepressant effects that last up to 3 weeks. Studies also show that Mycobacterium vaccae may help reduce anxiety and improve learning. Live Dirty! Gardening Know How


  1. Commonly prescribed medications with known adverse affects on the gut, show alarming consequences for cardiac health. Long-term proton pump inhibitor (PPI) use compromises blood vessel cells’ ability to protect blood vessels and prevent heart attack and stroke. NSAIDs are linked to an increased risk of serious thrombotic events, including myocardial infarction and stroke, with increased risk arising as early as the first weeks of taking the medication. FDA


  1. Low FODMAP diet gains publicity in treating IBS symptoms. While two new IBS medications were just released, Gutbliss recommends diet over drugs whenever possible and encourages IBS sufferers to try the Low FODMAP diet, as well as natural remedies such as peppermint oil and fiber, for relief. Wall Street Journal


  1. Restoring your gut microbiome could lead to better thyroid function. Studies show that altered gut bacteria can contribute to nutrient malabsorption (specifically iodine and selenium), decreased thyroid size, leaky gut (allowing lipopolysaccharides to leak into the bloodstream and disrupt thyroid hormone and iodine levels), and dysfunction in the conversion of T4 to T3. Read The Microbiome Solution, restore your microbiome and improve your thyroid function. Chris Kresser


  1. Headaches and irritable bowel syndrome share a genetic link. With both conditions being common and the causes of each unknown, scientists find the shared genetics between the two conditions hopeful in identifying their root causes and finding effective therapies. American Academy of Neurology


  1. Biggest Loser contestants gain 70% of their weight back on average and have a resting metabolism that burns 500 fewer calories than their counterparts of identical age and weight. While “metabolism adaptation” may play a role in the body’s inability to succeed at long-term weight loss, altered gut bacteria may play an even larger role. Some say long-term weight loss is an impossible feat, yet an obesity doctor argues that those who succeed have one thing in common – they perceive their weight loss efforts, not “as a hardship, but rather as just living with new lifestyles, and lifestyles that they enjoy.” New York Times


  1. Medications, breathing efficiency, stool consistency, and age determine microbial composition more accurately than breastfeeding, body mass index, and mode of delivery (natural vs. Cesarean), a new study claims. While stool consistency and chromogranin A (a protein that activates the nervous and endocrine systems under stress) were most effective in determining microbial diversity, all of the markers investigated in the study determined only 20% of microbial make-up, suggesting there’s a lot we don’t know. Science


  1. In the hopes of identifying what makes up a “healthy” microbiome, scientists find supporting evidence that a diverse microbiome is a healthier microbiome. However, the vast range of microbial strains found validate the need for more research to determine what strains and strain ratios indicate a “healthy” microbiome. The Verge


  1. Diet, and its effect on gut bacteria, control inflammation and neurodegeneration in the brain. This is the first study to show the direct correlation between diet and brain health, proving dietary therapy for neurodegenerative brain diseases like multiple sclerosis a viable and essential treatment option. Nature Medicine


  1. A Digestive Center for Women (DCW) patient launches her blog, My Food Freedoms. A DCW success stories of how diet can lead to digestive healing and “freedom”, Alyssa says that her symptoms were “isolating” but after implementing the “Gutbliss philosophy”, she experienced an almost “immediate transformation.” Her blog offers a vibrant array of plant-based recipes free of gluten, dairy, soy, caffeine, and alcohol, and is recommended for those in need of digestive healing. My Food Freedoms


By: Leslie Ann Berg, MSPH