The Gutbliss Weekly Review – September 19, 2016

1.Grounding, or earthing, (direct skin contact with the surface of the earth) proves to be an effective method in reducing inflammation and preventing and treating autoimmune disease. Yet another reason to follow Dr. Chutkan’s Live Dirty plan! Journal of Inflammation Research


2. Colonic transit time is positively correlated with gut bacteria diversity (a marker of long-term health) – the longer it takes food to travel through the colon, the more bacterial diversity. Scientific America


3. The FDA bans antibacterials in topical products…but deems them safe and effective in oral ones?? After somehow convincing the FDA that triclosan’s benefits in preventing cavities and tooth decay outweigh the negatives of a harmful antibacterial additive, Colgate will continue to include triclosan in their toothpaste formulations. NY Times


4. The dirtier the dolphin aquarium tank, the healthier the dolphin, an observation that sparked Dr. Gilbert’s support for dirtier hospitals. Dr. Gilbert is featured in Ed Yong’s latest book, I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes within Us and a Grander View of Life. For more on living dirty, check out Mudpies: Superfood for the microbiome. NY Post


5. “Sanitation revolutionaries” are transforming human stool into fertile, organic compost for agriculture and reforestation. “The most important thing in nature is soil, that’s where all life comes from.” Click here for more on soil and its endangerment. National Geographic


6. Recent studies show that alterations in the gut microbiome share an associated link with a growing list of diseases and conditions, including type 1 diabetes, pediatric renal disease, asthma, Alzheimer’s, Schizophrenia, autism, and Parkinson’s.


7. Using a “sniff panel” a recent study investigates the most effective antimicrobial ingredient in deodorant. Gutbliss’ take? Skip the study, skip the deodorant, and work on cultivating a rich, diverse, and stink-free armpit microbiome using daily sweat sessions and a warm water rinse. If you’re not quite ready to go soap and deodorant free, check out EWG’s Skin Deep Database for microbe-friendly alternatives. International Journal of Cosmetic Science


8. Do you have a tendency to overeat? Alterations in your microbiome could play an integral role. Appetite control depends on the direct communication between the gut and brain, and recent studies show that gut bacteria components and metabolites can affect the satiety (feeling of fullness) pathway. Nature


9. If you question the link between gut bacteria alterations and chronic disease, read this. It provides a clear explanation of how lipopolysaccharides (a toxic bacterial bi-product) lead to chronic inflammation and disease. Check out Cell for a more in-depth look at the link between the microbiome, chronic disease, and immunity. Popular Science


10. Altered bacteria (or dysbiosis) in both men and women in the lower genital tract and within the body gravely influence reproductive, pregnancy, and infant health. Live Dirty, Eat Clean to optimize microbial balance, inside and out. Anaerobe


By: Leslie Ann Berg, MSPH