COVID-19 Special Edition

Dear members of the Gutbliss community,

We hope you and your loved ones are safe during these incredibly challenging times. In this special edition we’ve put together some COVID-19 gut-focused articles, resources and information to help keep you healthy. From the latest research showing that fresh air and sunlight are important factors in combating coronavirus, to the gastrointestinal signs, which may show up before any respiratory symptoms. We also highlight which medications may increase susceptibility, share our homemade soap recipe to help protect you and your family, and discuss at-risk conditions like inflammatory bowel disease. Living dirty during a pandemic may seem counter-intuitive, but exposure to the outside world may actually be just what the doctor ordered – learn how to do it safely with our live dirty dos and don’ts, and check out our dirt/sweat/veg recommendations for promoting a strong immune system.

And stay tuned for our series of free webinars starting next week that will go deep into topics like what to do if you’re taking an immunosuppressive medication, whether antibiotics can increase your risk for contracting COVID-19, and lots more. Send your questions in so we can get back to as many of you as possible who need help.

Be safe, be well, and look after each other.

Robynne Chutkan, MD, FASGE

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