Knowledge, like food,
is powerful medicine.

Certain types of microbes in the gut may be an early warning for Alzheimer’s disease Science Translational Medicine
In this study from Washington University, people with pre-clinical Alzheimer’s were found to have higher populations of certain bacteria involved in breaking down the amino acids arginine and ornithine, and lower levels of those involved in protecting neurons. These changes in gut bacteria were present years before people developed cognitive issues like memory loss and […]
Certain types of microbes in the gut may be an early warning for Alzheimer’s disease Science Translational Medicine
In this study from Washington University, people with pre-clinical Alzheimer’s were found to have higher populations of certain bacteria involved in breaking down the amino acids arginine and ornithine, and lower levels of those involved in protecting neurons. These changes in gut bacteria were present years before people developed cognitive issues like memory loss and […]
A new study in Nature Communications confirms that when it comes to weight loss, not all calories are created equal.
It’s all about what you’re feeding your gut microbes! Processed foods that are low in fiber and typical of a Western diet (think packaged chips, cereals, and sugary snacks) are rapidly absorbed in your upper GI tract – providing maximal calories for you, and minimal for your gut bacteria. Less processed high-fiber foods like lentils, […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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