A Small Diet Change Could Save Your Life

Looking for a meaningful yet simple New Year’s resolution in 2025? Reducing your intake of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) could be just the thing. Recent scientific studies show that UPFs are associated with an entire host of diseases including diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and mental health disorders, not to mention their link to all-cause mortality (death due to any cause, including injury or illness).

To quantify the impact UPFs have on health, a group of scientists in Brazil looked at preventable (premature) deaths credited to consuming UPFs. After assessing food intake, demographics, and mortality data in individuals aged 30 to 69 years, the study found that UPFs contributed 23.7% of the total energy of the diet in Brazil and caused 57,000 premature deaths – approximately 10% of all premature deaths. Scientists estimated that reducing UPF consumption could dramatically decrease the number of premature deaths.

In comparison, UPFs make up about 57% of the total energy intake in the United States. Therefore, the impact UPFs have on premature death in the U.S. is even more alarming – and reducing UPF consumption even more lifesaving!

If eliminating UPFs completely from your diet seems overwhelming, try just reducing your intake a little. Remember, eating just 10% fewer UPFs still has a big impact on your risk of dying prematurely. If you’re currently eating UPFs at each meal, try consuming one meal that’s entirely free of any UPFs. If you eat one UPF daily, cut back to one every other day. Those small changes add up – and could save your life. For a refresher on what a UPF actually is, check out episode # 31 of the Gutbliss Podcast on Ultra-Processed Foods and your gut.

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Dr Robynne Chutkan
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