Microbial Change Improves Anxiety, Not With Probiotics

Altering the gut microbiome improves anxiety, but not with probiotics. Researchers analyzed 21 studies, including over 1,500 participants, which looked at altering gut bacteria to improve anxiety. 14 of the studies used probiotic interventions, while 7 of the studies used non-probiotic (or dietary) interventions. Results found that the non-probiotic interventions were significantly more successful in reducing anxiety than probiotic interventions. 45% of the probiotic interventions and 80% of the non-probiotic interventions had positive effects on anxiety. BMJ

Takeaway: Researchers say that these results are consistent with the idea that food is the best way to ignite change in the gut microbiome. Secondly, the probiotic studies may have been less successful due to the fact that many of them used multi-strain probiotics, which resulted in differing microbial alterations, as well as a short study period (one to two months), which may not have allowed enough time for the probiotics to take root and colonize in the gut. 

At Gutbliss, we firmly believe in food as medicine, choosing food over supplements, and the live dirty, eat clean philosophy to harbor a balanced gut microbiome. If you suffer from anxiety or depression and are interested in increasing your prebiotic and probiotic consumption to possibly improve your symptoms, check out these articles on fermented foods and commit to eating them daily. 

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