The Microbiome Solution

The microbiome—the collective name for the trillions of bacteria that live in our digestive tract—is today’s hottest medical news topic. But what does this groundbreaking research really mean for our everyday health? Synthesizing the latest findings, Dr. Robynne Chutkan, a preeminent gastroenterologist, explains how the standard Western diet and our super-sanitized lifestyle are starving our microbes, depleting the “good bugs” that are crucial for keeping us healthy, and encouraging overgrowth of exactly the wrong types of bacteria. The resulting imbalance makes us vulnerable to a host of autoimmune and chronic health conditions.
But, as Dr. Chutkan explains, there are effective lifestyle and diet changes we can make to reverse this damage. Dr. Chutkan has helped thousands of patients suffering from a disordered microbiome with her comprehensive Live Dirty, Eat Clean plan, designed to remove damaging medications and foods, replace important bacteria that have been lost, and restore health. Here, she shares her powerful program to help readers everywhere recover and heal. With practical advice throughout that readers can incorporate into their lives every day, The Microbiome Solution offers:
- An overview of the “modern microbial disrupters” that are stripping our bodies of their natural protective systems—from medications to hand sanitizers, ingredients in food, agricultural practices, our environments, and more
- Delicious, nourishing recipes that actually encourage the growth of good bacteria
- A list of important questions to ask your doctor if you have been prescribed an antibiotic, and how to protect your gut during a treatment course
- A guide to choosing the right probiotics and supplements
- Critical information on how to prevent and recover from health conditions like eczema, chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn’s disease, colitis, IBS, and more
- An introduction to the stool transplant, the next frontier for a severely troubled microbiome
This is the first book to offer a practical, effective plan for replenishing and optimizing the vital ecosystem in our gut. Start living dirty and eating clean today to ward off disease and begin the path toward lifelong, vibrant health.
Robynne Chutkan, M.D., is one of the most recognizable gastroenterologists working in America today. Dr. Chutkan has a B.S. from Yale and an M.D. from Columbia. She’s a faculty member in the gastroenterology department at Georgetown University Hospital and the founder of The Digestive Center for Wellness. An avid snowboarder, marathon runner, and Vinyasa yoga practitioner, she is dedicated to introducing more dirt, sweat, and vegetables into people’s lives.