Danger Of Processed Foods Quantified

While most of us already know that processed foods increase cancer risk, a recent study quantifies the risk. Findings show that for every 10% increase (based on a 2,000 calorie diet this is equivalent to 200 calories) in highly processed foods in the diet there is a 12% increase in cancer risk, with the greatest association found between processed foods and breast cancer risk. BMJ

→Takeaway: If you crave a sweet treat or a fried indulgence, spend the time to make these items at home, from scratch, and with high quality ingredients. Try eliminating processed foods completely from your diet. If this feels like an insurmountable task, choose one processed food you consume regularly and replace it with a whole food equivalent – pick a new food to switch out each week! Check out Gutbliss Rx recipes for some healthy alternatives.

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Dr Robynne Chutkan
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