Gutbliss - Dr. Robynne Chutkan


Drinking Alcohol More Effective In Increasing Longevity Than Exercise?

A recent study, conducted over 15 years in individuals 90 years of age and older, finds that drinking alcohol on a regular basis is more effective in increasing longevity than exercise. Those who drank 1 to 2 glasses of wine or beer daily were 18 percent less likely to die a premature death, while those who exercised daily were 11% less likely. While the lead researcher says she is not able to explain these findings, she firmly believes that moderate drinking improves longevity. The 90+ Study

→Takeaway: This study comes out just months after The American Society of Clinical Oncology released a statement in The Journal of Clinical Oncology citing evidence of the link between light drinking and increased cancer risk. In this statement, top cancer doctors urge individuals to drink less to decrease cancer risk and for those who don’t drink, don’t start. While science can often contradict itself, at Gutbliss, we recommend limiting drinking to 5 drinks per week to optimize microbial and gut health.

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