Essential Oils Just As Effective As Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs

Are cholesterol-lowering drugs necessary? Essential oils may be just as effective. A recent study fed rats a high fat diet for 6 weeks that resulted in high cholesterol. Over the subsequent 6 weeks the rats maintained their high fat diets but were given oral doses of ginger and rosemary oils, alone and in combination. Oil administration of ginger and rosemary together resulted in weight loss, lower triglyceride and glucose levels, and liver structure preservation. African Journal of Traditional Complimentary Alternative Medicine

→Takeaway: Statins (or cholesterol-lowering drugs) come with a long list of side effects including headaches, difficulty sleeping, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and much more. While human studies are needed to justify replacing cholesterol-lowering medications with essential oils, this study is a reminder of how powerful natural methods for healing the body can be – and minus the side effects!

There is a strong link between heart health and the gut microbiome. If you struggle with high cholesterol, at Gutbliss we first and foremost recommend transforming your diet to one that promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Check out Dr. Chutkan’s book, The Microbiome Solution for your complete guide to microbe-friendly eating.

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