Elevated Fasting Blood Glucose Associated With COVID Complications

Fasting plasma blood glucose levels (FPG) at hospital admission independently predicts COVID-19 complications and death in those without diabetes. Scientists looked back at the FPG levels at hospital admission in 605 COVID-19 patients in Wuhan. Those with a FPG of 126 mg/dL or higher were nearly 4 times more likely to experience COVID-19 complications compared to those with a FPG less than 110 mg/dL. Annals of Internal Medicine

Takeaway: Because FPG proves to be such a strong, independent predictor of COVID-19 complications and mortality, researchers who conducted the study recommend glycemic testing and control at hospital admission for all COVID-19 patients, even for those who don’t have a previous diabetes diagnosis. Testing and controlling blood sugar can help in assessing COVID-19 severity and mortality risk, as well as improve survival outcomes.

Are you concerned about your risk for developing high blood glucose levels and diabetes? If so, a study published last month may give you insight on how best to regulate your blood sugar and stave off diabetes for good. And the solution is no surprise! The study found that those individuals who ate the highest amounts of vegetables and fruits were the least likely to develop diabetes, while those who ate the highest amounts of processed sugars and fast food were the most likely to develop diabetes.

If this study speaks to you, here’s our challenge: instead of focusing on cutting out processed sugars and other foods from your diet, focus on adding in more veggies and fruits. Each time you sit down, have a side of veggies. Better yet, focus your meals around vegetables instead of around animal protein (did you know that calorie for calorie, spinach has more protein than steak?). You can also use Dr. Chutkan’s 1, 2, 3 Rule: Eat 1 veggie at breakfast, 2 at lunch, and 3 at dinner.

And while you’re focusing on blood glucose levels, don’t be tempted to try sugar substitutes. A new study shows that even short-term consumption of artificial sweeteners puts healthy people at risk for diabetes.

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