Fiber Lowers Non-Communicable Disease Risk

High dietary fiber intake lowers non-communicable disease (namely cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes) risk, and the relationship is causal. The study included all past studies (200+ observational studies and randomized control trials) involving dietary fiber and its relationship to human health. A dietary intake of between 25 and 29 grams of fiber showed the greatest reduction in disease risk. Whole grain fiber was found to have significant disease lowering effects, while the effects of low glycemic index diets on disease risk was not significant. The Lancet

→Takeaway: Based on this extensive study, there is direct causal evidence that a diet rich in fiber (between 25 and 30 grams daily) has significant effects on lowering disease risk. Increasing dietary fiber is also one of the most immediate ways to improve microbial health. Scientists who conducted the study recommend three ways to increase dietary fiber:

  • Change food prep methods: keep and consume the peel on your potatoes and the stalks on your fibrous vegetables like kale, broccoli, and asparagus
  • Switch to whole grains: focus on non-gluten containing grains such as brown rice and brown rice pastas, quinoa, and old fashioned oats
  • Replace snacks with fiber rich options: fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds

For some fiber inspiration, read this article then head to your kitchen and eat some fiber!

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Dr Robynne Chutkan
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