Gardening As Important In Living Longer As Diet & Exercise

Gardening could be just as important in living longer as diet, exercise, and social connection. Researchers found that gardening is a common theme amongst centurions living in blue zones (areas of the world with the highest number of people over 100 years of age), and that those in their 60’s who garden regularly have a 32% lower risk of dementia. Scientists hypothesize that the longevity effects of gardening are due to a myriad of factors – ample exposure to green spaces and dirt, both proven to have healing effects on mental and physical health; a social connectedness to the broader community through farmers markets; and a healthier diet through the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and herbs produced in a local garden. BBC

→Takeaway: If you’re looking for a new hobby in 2019, gardening should be at the top of your list. Whether you have a green thumb or not, giving it a go and spending more time outdoors with your hands in the dirt is worth it – especially if you’re interested in living longer!

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