Half of Cancer Deaths Linked to Preventable Risk Factors

Half of all cancer deaths are preventable.

Yes, you read that correctly! A new study found that close to half of all cancer deaths worldwide are associated with preventable risk factors. The behaviors that contribute to the majority of preventable cancer deaths include:

• Smoking
• Alcohol consumption
• Elevated body mass index (BMI)

Other notable risk factors included unprotected sex, poor diet, air pollution, occupational risks, and drug use. The metabolic consequences of an elevated BMI accounted for the greatest increase in cancer deaths over the last decade, while smoking continues to be the leading cause of preventable cancer deaths in both men and women. After smoking-related lung cancer, the next most common preventable cancers include esophageal, colorectal, and stomach cancers in men; and cervical, colorectal, and breast cancers in women.

This unique study makes one thing very clear: cancer is often preventable! Hopefully the medical community and policymakers will start to focus more on education around reducing these risk factors and actually preventing cancer, rather than just treating it after it’s already developed.

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