This Is Your Weight Loss Enemy

When we want to lose weight, most of us immediately start counting calories as our go-to method. But did you know it’s not the calories themselves that primarily cause weight gain? It’s much more about what kind of food you eat, not how much you eat. And one of the most harmful foods for an expanding waistline is added sugar. Why? Foods and diets high in processed and added sugar:

  • are strongly associated with leptin-resistance (leptin plays a key role in regulating appetite and fat storage)
  • increase sugar in the blood as well as the amount of time blood sugar remains elevated, creating insulin-resistance
  • encourage the growth of pathogenic gut bacteria that send signals to the brain via the gut-brain axis, making it more likely to crave and consume sweet foods
  • are low in fiber and nutrients, therefore they’re less filling and displace other nutrient- and fiber-rich foods in the diet that encourage satiety (feelings of fullness)

All of these consequences of eating foods that contain added sugar are strongly associated with weight gain and increases in body fat. It can be challenging to identify added sugars in the diet – they are often-times well-hidden using ingredient names that sound nothing like “sugar”. The safest way to avoid added sugar is to cut out packaged foods. Eating a diet grounded in vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds, and small amounts of animal protein and/or gluten-free grains, is THE way to go when trying to lose weight. It’s also a freeing way to eat, as it eliminates all the guess-work that comes with counting calories. Need a place to start? Check out the Gutbliss 3-Day Boost!

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Dr Robynne Chutkan
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