Manuka Honey – Why It’s The Ultimate Face Cleanser

If you think your face cleanser should cost big bucks and wear a long list of unidentifiable ingredients to really work, think again! The best cleanser is one that will help balance your skin microbiome – which means one that addsbeneficial bacteria, not one that scrubs away all your microbes (including the good guys). Too-harsh cleansers will leave you with a depleted skin terrain that’s more likely to pick up and harbor pathogenic and acne-causing bacteria – just what you want to avoid!

At Gutbliss, we’ve found that one of the best facial cleansers actually has just one ingredient and can be found in your kitchen: Manuka honey, that comes from bees that eat nectar from New Zealand’s Manuka tree. 

What makes Manuka honey so much better for the skin? Here’s what:

  • It’s anti-inflammatory,
  • anti-aging
  • moisturizing,
  • and promotes a balanced skin microbiome.

Here’s how to get started…

Moisten your face and hands with water. Gently rub 1 to 2 teaspoons of Manuka honey all over your face in a circular motion for 1 minute. Wash off with cold water (either with just your hands or a clean, wet washcloth) to help skin retain its moisture. This facial wash can be used daily. Simple ingredient, simple process, excellent results!

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Dr Robynne Chutkan
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