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Inadvertent air swallowing (aerophagia) can make you go up a size!

Not having enough of this microbe is one of the main causes of STDs.

Could alterations in your microbiome affect how your body parts smell?

Potholes in your colon! Find out why and how to repair the damage.

Why not heeding the call to have a BM can lead to serious problems.

A new study shows that antibiotics can cause cognitive decline.

The connection between your microbiome & a good night’s sleep.

Learn about the root cause of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

Where do the trillions of bacteria in our digestive tract come from.

Learn all about what slows you down in the first place – and how to fix it.

Understand the pearls and pitfalls of reclaiming your microbial health.

How to quiet down an overactive immune system through changing what you eat.

Dr Robynne Chutkan
Dr. Chutkan's Newsletter
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