Category Archives: Ask The GI

Alcohol & Gut Health: How Much Should I (Or Shouldn’t I) Drink?

I really enjoy having a drink in the evenings, but I’ve seen a lot of new information about alcohol and its detrimental health effects when consumed at any level. How much should I (or shouldn’t I) drink, and if it’s okay to drink in moderation, what form of alcohol should I choose?  -Adam Dr. Chutkan: Adam, I […]

I Have Candida Overgrowth – Should I Eat Starchy Foods?

Recently, I’ve been increasing the amount of fibrous vegetables I eat, based on the recommendations I’ve seen here. I’ve also started eating oatmeal again. But I seem to notice Candida flare-ups when I eat too much starch. Should I limit my intake of oatmeal and other starchy foods, such as sweet potatoes? Also, I’ve seen […]