Stool Transplant Reduces Autism Symptoms By 45%

Stool transplantation proves effective in reducing autism symptoms by nearly 50% two years post transplant. A recent study conducted a special type of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) known as Microbiota Transfer Therapy (MTT – a 10-week treatment process in which a stool transplant is performed daily for 7 to 8 weeks) and found that initial gut improvements (58% reduction in GI symptoms) as well as slow and steady positive changes in autism-related symptoms (language, social interaction, and behavior – quantified at a 45% reduction in overall symptoms) are lasting, even two years after the date of transplantation. Improvements in positive microbial markers, as well as increases in favorable species and diversity, also remained for the two years post transplant. Scientific Reports

Takeaway: Today, approximately 1 in 59 children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), an exponential increase from 1 in every 150 in 2000. Despite such a weighty percentage of the population having the disorder (half a million children with autism will become adults over the next decade), very few treatments have proven effective. MTT may be a promising treatment that also has lasting results. 83% of study participants were initially categorized as having severe autism. At the end of the 2-year study, only 17% were categorized as severe, 39% as mild to moderate and 44% were below the cutoff for mild autism. 

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