Tips To Protect Your Microbiome When You’re Sick

The majority of colds and flus are viral, and taking antibiotics can actually increase your susceptibility to future infections (both viral and bacterial) by depleting your body of its microbial defenses. So what’s the best way to heal when you’re sick while also protecting your microbiome?

  • Strengthen your immune system by getting good sleep: While you sleep, your immune system is hard at work producing infection-fighting antibodies and cytokines that help protect you from pathogens. A study published in the journal Sleep found that people who got at least seven hours of sleep were four times less likely to come down with a cold than those who clocked fewer than six hours, and fewer than five hours of nightly sleep (or fragmented sleep) correlated with an increased risk of coming down with pneumonia. This dramatic state of immune deficiency associated with sleep deprivation happens quickly—after just one night of poor sleep. Fewer than four hours of sleep is correlated with a 70 percent drop in critical immune cells the next day. There is no denying that good sleep is absolutely essential if you’re trying to stay healthy and avoid coming down with a virus. 
  • Cut down on sugar: A diet high in sugar disrupts the gut microbiome by feeding pathogenic bacteria. As the “bad” bacteria multiply, they crowd out beneficial bacteria, creating dysbiosis (bacterial imbalance associated with increased disease risk).  Studies show that sugar impairs immune system function and fuels viruses, cancers, and other pathogens. Reducing or completely eliminating sugar intake during illness can boost immunity and weaken the pathogen that’s making you sick.
  • Hydrate: Hydrating your body enhances two important defense functions: it helps improve the barrier function of your skin and mucous membranes to keep harmful bacteria and viruses out, and it helps to flush toxins and pathogens out of your body. Your digestive tract, skin, and kidneys are your main organs of elimination, and they all rely on adequate amounts of fluid to do their job. Even mild dehydration can have a big impact on that—losing just 2 percent of your body’s water can decrease skin elasticity and strength, slow down transit time in your gut, and put extra strain on your heart and kidneys. The reality is by the time most people feel thirsty, they’re already dehydrated, so it’s important to monitor and maintain adequate fluid intake before that happens. And keep in mind that if you do get infected, symptoms like coughing, sneezing, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea all create dehydration and can prolong symptoms, so hydration is a big part of both prevention and recovery from pathogens.
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables: The most impactful foods that optimize the immune system and help reduce inflammation are those high in vitamin C and those with anti-inflammatory/anti-microbial properties. Try increasing your consumption of the following foods next time you’re sick: lemons and limes, oranges, kiwi, grapefruit, berries, cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens, garlic, onions, ginger, turmeric, and fermented foods.
  • Get fresh air and sunlight: Past studies have highlighted the phenomenon called the “open-air factor” (OAF), defined as the “germicidal constituent in outdoor air that reduces the survival and infectivity of pathogens”, which has been proven to reduce the survival and infectivity of harmful bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis, group C streptococcusand the influenza virus. In fact, open-air therapy was the standard treatment for infectious diseases before antibiotics were introduced. Sunlight levels also provide some protection against pathogens: A 2019 study showed that sunlight levels are inversely correlated with influenza transmission.

Not only does spending time outside protect against viral transmission and reduce the survival of pathogenic microbes, but it also helps support the immune system. Sunlight is our main source of vitamin-D, a vitamin that plays a key role in optimizing our immunity. Additionally, a 2016 study found that separate from its vitamin-D-making capabilities, sunlight actually “energizes” T-cells, the immune cells that fight infection; the low levels of blue light present in the sun’s rays speed up T-cell movement, optimizing their response to pathogens. 

Some of these suggestions may seem intuitive. The best advice usually is— it’s following it that can be tricky. Implement these tips the next time you’re sick and they’ll help you break the vicious cycle of antibiotics and more illness by reminding you to give your body what it needs: rest, nourishing foods, water, and a little fresh air.


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