Watching TV Linked To Elevated Cancer Risk In Men

Watching television for extended periods of time raises colorectal (CRC) risk in men. A recent study analyzed data from 500,000 men and women and found that men who watched TV 4+ hours per day had a 35% greater CRC risk than those who watched 1 hour per day. Increased time spent watching TV did not elevate CRC risk in women. Surprisingly, increased time spent at the computer did not raise CRC risk in men. British Journal of Cancer

→Takeaway: Why is prolonged TV watching a CRC risk factor in men but not women? And why is increased time spent at the computer not a CRC risk factor in men? Researchers believe that men (more so than women) eat more unhealthy food and/or drink alcohol while watching TV. If you watch excessive amounts of television, think about reducing your screen time and be mindful of what you’re consuming. Exercise goes a long way – those men who reported higher levels of physical activity had a 23% lower CRC risk.

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