Spray Cleaners Negatively Impact Lung Function In Women

A 20-year long study, including 6,235 participants with an average age of 34, uncovers the long-term impact of spray cleaners on lung function in women. The study found that women who regularly clean with cleaning sprays experience worsening of lung function over time when compared to women who don’t clean. To put the findings in more relatable terms, the lung function decline in women working as cleaners was equivalent to smoking roughly 20 packs of cigarettes per year. The decline in lung function is a result of damage to the airways from the day-to-day inhalation of tiny chemical particles over time. American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care

→Takeaway: Spray cleaners containing chemicals cause substantial long-term damage to the lungs. These cleaners, as the study’s lead scientist states, “…are usually unnecessary; microfiber cloths and water are more than enough for most purposes.” If you’re looking for a more substantive cleaner, use Dr. Chutkan’s DIY cleaner recipe from her book, The Microbiome Solution.

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