Because all disease begins in the gut

If you’re on a quest for stool Nirvana, and you’re more interested in microbes than medication – you’ve come to the right place! I have so much useful information to share with you in this podcast; from groundbreaking microbiome research, to how to deal with common GI disorders like heartburn and constipation, to the latest on emerging conditions like SIBO and leaky gut. The Gutbliss podcast is your source for all things gut related – and I’m so excited to be your guide on this journey down your 30-foot digestive superhighway! New episodes drop weekly.
Top 10 Reasons You’re Bloated
If you want to banish bloat, you need to figure out the specific reason WHY you’re bloated, so that you can apply a specific solution. And keep in mind, there could be multiple reasons and multiple solutions.
Autism: What’s the Gut Got to Do With It?
Multiple scientific studies have connected the gut microbiome & the brain in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), so there's potentially lots to be gained from changing the diet to improve gut health in ASD.
Gut First Theory: Parkinson’s Disease & the Gut
Parkinson’s isn’t just a brain disease; it's also a gut disease. And the changes in the gut can occur before the changes in the brain, leading to what we now call the “gut first” theory of Parkinson's
Gut-Brain – The 2nd Brain in Your Gut
Your gut influences mood, memory, and behavior; and your brain influences gut motility, enzyme secretion, and absorption. The two organs are closely connected, each influencing the function of the other.
Gluten Face – Real or Imagined?
Could what’s showing up on your face be a direct result of something you’re eating? When it comes to gluten - that's a definite YES. But the solution is more complex than just eating gluten-free products.
Mama Jama Poos: Why you Need Them & How To Get Them
When it comes to BMs, size matters: the bigger your poo, the lower your likelihood of colon cancer and other GI problems like diverticulosis, hemorrhoids, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome.
Eczema Journey: Looking For (& Finding) the Root Cause
Figuring out what’s causing skin conditions like eczema (aka atopic dermatitis) can be a long and challenging journey filled with twists and turns, and your gut can be the source of some important clues.
Skin Deep: Healing Psoriasis From the Inside Out
Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease characterized by itchy, scaly patches. To understand why the body starts to attack its own skin cells, we need to take a close look at what’s going on in the gut.
Acne & Your Gut
Acne is an environmental condition and is strongly influenced by diet and lifestyle. So the focus needs to be on creating an anti-inflammatory environment in your body - and that starts in your gut.
Gut Skin Axis
Without a healthy gut, it’s really hard to have healthy skin. Your digestive tract is like the soil, and your skin is like the plant; if the soil isn’t healthy, the plant is not going to bloom properly.
Queen V
A healthy vagina contains predominantly Lactobacillus species. These bacteria help protect you from pathogens by secreting acid, which makes it harder for viruses like HIV, HPV, and HSV to penetrate.
Gluten Face – Real or Imagined?
Could what’s showing up on your face be a direct result of something you’re eating? When it comes to gluten - that's a definite YES. But the solution is more complex than just eating gluten-free products.
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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