
Ironman BMs
Your digestive tract is one long muscle and if you're not moving chances are your bowels aren’t either. Learn how to have Ironman bowel habits that are so precise you can set your clock to their arrival.
Shy Bowel
Parcopresis is the technical terms for holding your poo in when you should be pushing it out. I’ll explain the importance of dropping it while it's hot – especially if you struggle with constipation. 
Plant-Based Diet, Bloat, & What To Do About It
Sam: I suffer with numerous digestive issues – bloating, constipation, abdominal pain. However, I note that you recommend a plant-based diet. One of the main triggers of my pain are certain vegetable, legumes, nuts and seeds. Protein in the form of white fish and eggs is the easiest on my digestive system. I tried a […]
Salt Shaker on desk
Bloating is generally caused by gas (and sometimes fluid), and it usually ebbs and flows—you may have a flat abdomen in the morning but by evening, you look and feel 6 months pregnant. Bloating has become a rapidly increasing epidemic. For many, the symptoms are daily and relentless, but even when symptoms aren’t severe, they […]
Toilet Sitting 101
Did you know there’s a right and a wrong way to sit on the toilet? Most people don’t realize that their position when having a bowel movement is key to solving lots of GI complaints like bloating, gas, and constipation. The right position can also help improve more serious GI conditions such as diverticulosis, small […]
Young woman suffering from abdominal pain while sitting on the sofa and feeling stomachache, symptom of pms
Allen: I experience constipation and bloat more than I feel regular and normal. I lead a pretty healthy lifestyle, with the exception of enjoying a few alcoholic beverages and eating out on weekends. I have a very well rounded diet filled with veggies, fruits, grains, and protein. I exercise 5-6 days a week. I avoid […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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