Alcohol Increases COVID Risk – Consider Sobriety This Fall


A study published in JAMA Network Open looked at survey answers from approximately 1,500 American adults (aged 30 to 59) and found that alcohol consumption has significantly increased during the pandemic. Compared to a year ago, adult men are consuming 14% more alcohol and women, 17% more. The study also showed that heavy drinking in women, categorized […]

Could Your Child’s Tummy Troubles Be Due To Too Much Sugar?


This post was written by Michael Goran, PhD, and Emily Venutra, PhD, MPH, authors of the new book Sugarproof. Too much sugar can have broad effects on kids’ bodies and, as they discuss in their new book Sugarproof, kids can be more vulnerable to the harmful effects of too much sugar. Growing kids can have […]

Exercise Could Be A Key Therapy For Cancer Patients


While regular exercise has long been accepted as a preventative measure for just about every disease and condition out there, including premature death, studies are finding that exercise may play a therapeutic role in combating some of today’s most threatening diseases, including cancer. It may seem counterintuitive for sick, cancer patients on potent drugs, already […]

Lifestyle Alterations Before Meds – Here’s Why


If you’ve read our newsletter in the past, you’re familiar with our motto of lifestyle interventions first and foremost, and medications as a last resort for treating physical ailments. But even we were shocked to find out that older individuals, on average, are on 15 prescription medications each year. A recent New York Times article […]

Live Dirty For Heart Health


Did you know owning a dog can do wonders for your health? As Dr. Chutkan mentions in her book, The Microbiome Solution…

Gut Bugs Do More Than We Think


Did you know that your gut bugs play a key role in determining your likes and dislikes? And we’re not just talking about food here! Your gut bacteria – along with your genes and your environment – determine your preferences in some of the most important aspects of your life, including your romantic partners and […]

Toilet Sitting 101


Did you know there’s a right and a wrong way to sit on the toilet? Most people don’t realize that their position when having a bowel movement is key to solving lots of GI complaints like bloating, gas, and constipation. The right position can also help improve more serious GI conditions such as diverticulosis, small […]

Microbiome-Based Precision Nutrition

Woman using glucometer on blue background, top view

In February of this year, we posted an article in our column, Latest Research, regarding the connection between the gut microbiome and blood glucose levels. Research shows that instead of blood glucose response being constant for all foods across all individuals, the gut microbiome actually plays a large role in determining how the body responds […]

Meditation & Its Impact On Gut Health

Yoga woman meditating

Closing your eyes with intention can be transformative. The sound of your breath amplifies in your nose and throat; your senses sharpen to taste, touch, and scent. The external world melts away for a moment as you withdraw into yourself. Your stream of consciousness, now unveiled, reveals the magnitude of thoughts, emotions, and memories you […]

Dr Robynne Chutkan
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