Knowledge, like food,
is powerful medicine.

1. Those who eat organic most often have 25% fewer cancer diagnoses – especially for breast cancer and lymphoma – compared to those who never eat organic. The French study followed 70,000 adults (primarily women) over a 5-year period. JAMA Internal Medicine →Takeaway: Organic matters. While there are limitations to our organic farming system, at Gutbliss we recommend eating […]
Delicious detox drink made of turmeric, ginger, milk, honey and cinnamon. Healthy and aromatic turmeric golden milk tea.
Turmeric is the vibrant orange-yellow spice affectionately known as the magic sword against inflammation, birthed in India and crowned centuries ago as one of the great dosha balancers in Ayurvedic medicine. With all the healing benefits, you can taste the inherent goodness with each sip. It is just as delicious as it is nutritious. *SERVES […]
sport, healthy lifestyle, medicine, nutritional supplements and people concept - close up of man in fitness bracelet with glass of water pouring pills from jar to hand
Could probiotics be a lot of wishful thinking? Extensive reviews of the existing probiotic literature show that probiotics are really effective for just three conditions – infectious diarrhea, post-antibiotic diarrhea in children, and a rare gastrointestinal disease called necrotizing enterocolitis. In addition, studies show probiotics may be ineffective in altering gut bacteria composition or diversity long-term. Nutrition […]
Elderly woman holding hands with young caretaker
Spain is predicted to have the longest average life expectancy in the world at 85.8 years by 2040. Why? While diet plays a big role – the Spanish typically follow a Mediterranean diet with a large rotation of seasonal vegetables and fruits – so do social and familial relationships, which are at the center of Spanish […]
A significant difference exists between the fecal microbiota of hospital-born infants versus home-born infants, and the differences persist well into the first month of life. The study included 35 vaginally born, breast-fed neonates, 14 who were delivered at home and 21 who were delivered in the hospital. Eight maternal and infant feces samples were collected, as […]
Home made gluten-free spicy chickpea crackers.
The hardest part of the Live Dirty, Eat Clean Plan for some people is giving up their beloved bread. Fear not! These gluten-free but tasty flatbread-style crackers are the perfect complement to soups, salads, hummus, frittatas, and more. Ingredients1 tablespoon flax meal3 tablespoons cool water, plus ¾ cup warm water½ cup chickpea flour1 cup almond flour½ cup brown […]
Fresh raw swiss rainbow chard leaves on gray stone background. Top view
Low fiber diets lead to gut bacteria extinction and have lasting effects on gut microbes in current and future generations. Mice studies show that when switching to a low-fiber diet for just 7 weeks, 60% of gut bacteria species dwindle dramatically and remain low even after reintroducing a high-fiber diet. In addition, as generation after generation […]
Young woman rubbing her eyes feel painful and take off her glasses siiting on sofa and rest one's eyes at home
Stress and autoimmune disease are closely linked. An extensive study spanning 30 years and including over 100,000 study subjects found that individuals diagnosed with stress-related disorders were also 30 to 40 percent more likely to be diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder (including Crohn’s disease and celiac disease). Researchers also found that those patients diagnosed with PTSD […]
top view of different fruits and vegetables on marble table
What you eat alters your genes and those of your children. A new study reviews maternal diets during pregnancy and how maternal nutrient status and intake can cause epigenetic (environmental effects on gene expression) changes that increase obesity risk and other disease risk in offspring. Frontiers in Genetics →Takeaway: Nutrition is THE most important environmental factor that can […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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