Knowledge, like food,
is powerful medicine.

fresh carrot juice, wooden food background
For an introduction to fermented foods, try this simple, 3-ingredient recipe. There’s something about the flavor of ginger that augments the flavor of garden-fresh carrots. If you’re not growing your own, look for carrots with their tops on at the market. If the tops appear bright green, aromatic, and fresh, the carrots will be, too. […]
Coconut Milk Kefir
Kefir is a tangy, milk- or water-based drink fermented by a symbiotic combination of bacteria and yeast clumped together in a matrix of protein, fats, and sugar. It’s a wonderfully rich source of healthy, diverse microbes and will do you a world of good. Kefir originated in the North Caucasus region, but no one knows […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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