Bowel Movements

Scientific Evidence Backs COVID Transmission Through Fecal Aerosols
Scientific evidence links COVID-19 transmission with fecal aerosols. A recent study, published in Annals of Internal Medicine, explored an outbreak in a high-rise apartment building in Guangzhou, China. The outbreak infected 9 individuals living in different units throughout the building. Through patient interviews, throat swabs, and an in-depth environmental investigation, researchers found that transmission most […]
Toilet Sitting 101
Did you know there’s a right and a wrong way to sit on the toilet? Most people don’t realize that their position when having a bowel movement is key to solving lots of GI complaints like bloating, gas, and constipation. The right position can also help improve more serious GI conditions such as diverticulosis, small […]
3D illustration rose gold chrome poop shit on a grey background
Watch Dr. Chutkan as she explains the importance of turning around and taking a look! Exploring the connection between what you put in your body and what comes out the other end should be an open conversation, not a dirty little secret. Hard to pass pebbles may be a sign that you need to up […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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