
Ironman BMs
Your digestive tract is one long muscle and if you're not moving chances are your bowels aren’t either. Learn how to have Ironman bowel habits that are so precise you can set your clock to their arrival.
Shy Bowel
Parcopresis is the technical terms for holding your poo in when you should be pushing it out. I’ll explain the importance of dropping it while it's hot – especially if you struggle with constipation. 
Kiwi Fruit – An Effective Relief for Chronic Constipation
Patients with chronic constipation treated with kiwi fruit, prunes and psyllium reported relief in symptoms, according to a study published in American Journal of Gastroenterology, but kiwi had the highest patient satisfaction and the lowest rate of adverse events. “Functional foods” like kiwi and prunes are safer and less expensive than prescription medications, and it […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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