
Toilet Sitting 101
Did you know there’s a right and a wrong way to sit on the toilet? Most people don’t realize that their position when having a bowel movement is key to solving lots of GI complaints like bloating, gas, and constipation. The right position can also help improve more serious GI conditions such as diverticulosis, small […]
Young woman suffering from abdominal pain while sitting on the sofa and feeling stomachache, symptom of pms
Allen: I experience constipation and bloat more than I feel regular and normal. I lead a pretty healthy lifestyle, with the exception of enjoying a few alcoholic beverages and eating out on weekends. I have a very well rounded diet filled with veggies, fruits, grains, and protein. I exercise 5-6 days a week. I avoid […]
The Voluptuous Venus Colon
Anne is a wisp of a woman who’s been terribly bloated and constipated for as long as she can remember. Two tablespoons of psyllium husk (soluble plant fiber that adds bulk to the stool) and one tablespoon of ground flax seed in the morning, followed by two capfuls of a polyethylene glycol osmotic cathartic (a […]
The Voluptuous Venus Colon
Did you know women have longer colons than men – on average four to five inches longer? That may not seem like much but it can cause a lot of extra looping and twists and turns – what I like to call: The Voluptuous Venus Colon.  Women also have a wider, deeper, pelvis in order to […]
Psyllium Husk: Your Complete Guide
Because food is such effective medicine, there are very few supplements I actually recommend. But over the last 20+ years of working with patients, I find myself returning to a handful of products that work well with minimal side effects. Ground psyllium husk is one of those. Psyllium is a form of water-soluble plant fiber with […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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