On today’s show: the 10 most important steps to restore your gut health after taking antibiotics. Although it’s true that your microbiome will take a hit after antibiotics and may even be permanently altered, it’s still possible to offset some of the damage by supporting your gut during and after. Find out how in this episode.
A one-week course of antibiotics can remove up to 1/3 of your gut bacteria - and that damage can’t be undone by just taking a probiotic, so you need to be absolutely certain that you really need that antibiotic. In today’s episode, I’m going to share ten critical questions to ask your health care provider if you’ve been prescribed an antibiotic that can help you limit the damage to your gut microbiome.
The largest study ever done on the human microbiome set out to understand the impact of diet, lifestyle and disease. The results provide an important roadmap for what to do to cultivate a healthy microbiome.
More than 50% of all the calories most of us are eating are ultra-processed foods (UPFs), and their regular consumption has been tied to lots of different health problems you need to know about - especially in the gut.
Yeast overgrowth is a real phenomenon, and one that conventional doctors are often skeptical and poorly informed about. This episode tells you exactly how to eradicate yeast and restore your microbiome.
When it comes to treatment for SIBO, It’s unlikely that you are going to be able to just take an antibiotic and be cured. You have to pay attention to what's causing the microbial imbalance in the first place.
Dysbiosis & SIBO doesn't just affect your gut–it’s associated with a wide range of problems like autoimmune diseases, skin conditions, mental health disorders, and more. In this episode: causes & symptoms.
Figuring out what’s causing skin conditions like eczema (aka atopic dermatitis) can be a long and challenging journey filled with twists and turns, and your gut can be the source of some important clues.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease characterized by itchy, scaly patches. To understand why the body starts to attack its own skin cells, we need to take a close look at what’s going on in the gut.
Acne is an environmental condition and is strongly influenced by diet and lifestyle. So the focus needs to be on creating an anti-inflammatory environment in your body - and that starts in your gut.
Without a healthy gut, it’s really hard to have healthy skin. Your digestive tract is like the soil, and your skin is like the plant; if the soil isn’t healthy, the plant is not going to bloom properly.
For anyone who's ever questioned the need - or the risk - of taking an antibiotic for a non-life threatening infection like Strep, this episode gives you a framework to help you make these decisions.
Read the latest news and research from Dr. Chutkan’s blog. From the most up to date science on the microbiome, to the best in gut-derived wellness – we are your complete guide to gut health! Sign-up now and receive FREE access to the Gutbliss Food Guide, Meal Plan, & Recipes, which includes all the basics on how to eat to optimize your microbial health.