Reflux: Top 3 Causes – & How to Get Rid of Them Naturally
More than 60 million Americans experience heartburn on a regular basis, but the recommended treatment does nothing to address the root cause - and totally messes up your digestion. The most important thing that I want you to know is that acid reflux has absolutely nothing to do with overproduction of acid. These symptoms are caused by inappropriate opening of the lower esophageal sphincter, and on today's show, I'm going to tell you about the three most common factors that cause that lower esophageal sphincter to open, and how to treat them without blocking stomach acid.
SIBO or Reflux?
Did you know that small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is often mistaken for acid reflux? In my practice, at least half the patients who come in with a reflux diagnosis are actually suffering from SIBO. Why is the mistaken diagnosis so common? The symptoms of the two conditions are very similar and even identical in […]
Acid reflux in old women
Recently diagnosed with esophagitis and reflux, my doctor recommends I take proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) for the rest of my life, but I’d prefer to use alternatives, such as a healthy diet, exercise and stress reduction. Is this possible? -Dan Dr. Chutkan: Dan, you’re on the right track in being cautious of lifelong PPI use. Stomach acid […]
Various pharmaceuticals, pills on green background.
Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) increase the risk of pneumonia in older adults (60+ years). Researchers analyzed data from over 75,000 adults who used PPIs for 1 or more years. They then looked at the incidents of pneumonia in year 2 of treatment and compared these rates to a control group (age and sex-matched) not taking PPIs. […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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