Psychobiotics are a class of probiotics (live bacteria) that confer a mental health benefit. The gut is often referred to as the “2nd brain” and houses 90% of your body’s serotonin – the “feel good” hormone. As the link between the gut and the brain becomes more evident, utilizing psychobiotics to improve mental health will […]
What should you be looking for when you choose a probiotic, and how do you know if the bacteria are viable? Plus, current and future indications, including viral illnesses, mental health, and cancer.
New research helps us better understand the causes and trends in the obesity epidemic – and what you can do within your own family to help manage weight. Approximately 42% of the adult population in the U.S. is obese, and obesity triples the risk of being hospitalized for COVID, so understanding the risk factors and […]
Based on the article published in last edition’s Weight Loss column, we know there’s a strong link between weight management and our gut bacteria. We also know that probiotics have been associated with positively altering the gut microbiome. So, is it safe to say that supplementing with a probiotic can help us lose weight? Let’s […]
Cultivating a healthy microbiome plays a key role in preventing eczema. A review study looks at the effects of manipulating microbial health to prevent and treat eczema, specifically in infants. The study conducted analyses of probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics (probiotics and prebiotics together) for eczema prevention. Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology Results of the […]
Could probiotics be a lot of wishful thinking? Extensive reviews of the existing probiotic literature show that probiotics are really effective for just three conditions – infectious diarrhea, post-antibiotic diarrhea in children, and a rare gastrointestinal disease called necrotizing enterocolitis. In addition, studies show probiotics may be ineffective in altering gut bacteria composition or diversity long-term. Nutrition […]
Read the latest news and research from Dr. Chutkan’s blog. From the most up to date science on the microbiome, to the best in gut-derived wellness – we are your complete guide to gut health! Sign-up now and receive FREE access to the Gutbliss Food Guide, Meal Plan, & Recipes, which includes all the basics on how to eat to optimize your microbial health.