Knowledge, like food,
is powerful medicine.

Non-Invasive Blood Assay Detects Early Colorectal Cancer
A new study looking at a non-invasive blood assay method to detect early colorectal cancer (CRC) could eventually mean the end of regular colonoscopy for CRC screening. The test capitalizes on new, more sensitive methods to detect circulating cells in the blood and looks at three blood markers: circulating gastrointestinal epithelial cells, somatic mutations and […]
Celiac Disease Concerns During The Pandemic
The pandemic has brought forth challenges for many people dealing with autoimmune diseases and other chronic illnesses. This is also true for those with celiac disease. Many patients are wondering if having celiac disease puts them at a greater risk of coronavirus infection and complications. According to the National Celiac Foundation, in general, those with […]
Curry Tofu Bok Choy: A “Fiber Fueled” Recipe
This recipe first appeared in Dr. Will Bulsiewicz’s new book, Fiber Fueled (Penguin 2020). This simple dinner combines two of our favorite plant-powered foods: calcium and iron-rich tofu and bok choy. Baby bok choy is more tender than the bigger bok choy, so if you prefer a milder vegetable, select that one instead.  Makes 2 […]
Excessive Body Weight Predisposes COVID-19 Complications
New research shows that excessive weight is a main determining factor in who experiences complications from COVID-19 and who doesn’t. COVID-19 complications are heavily defined by respiratory symptoms – specifically acute respiratory failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome – that can be driven by characteristics common in obese individuals, including chronic, low-grade inflammation and hyperventilation […]
Managing Disease In The Covid-19 Age
In this webinar with Dr. Chutkan, hosted by Our Health Talks, you will learn the following: How Dr. Chutkan’s “Live Dirty, Eat Clean” mantra applies to health today Dr. Chutkan’s produce-cleaning regime Hallmark foods in a “clean eating” diet Risk of antibiotics Does having a GI issue make someone more susceptible to contracting illness? Explaining […]
Inflammatory Bowel Disease & Coronavirus: Are You At Risk?
In this webinar with Dr. Chutkan, you will learn about the concerns and considerations for those with inflammatory bowel disease during the coronavirus pandemic, including whether or not you are categorized as high risk, what your medication regimen might mean for your infection risk assessment, and how best to stay healthy and protect yourself.
Coronavirus & The GI Tract: What You Need To Know
In this webinar with Dr. Robynne Chutkan, you’ll learn what the coronavirus is, a short history behind the pandemic, how the coronavirus affects the GI tract, an in-depth look at COVID-19 symptoms and what to look for, underlying conditions, and how to best boost your immunity to protect yourself from infection.
Gluten Contamination – A Concern In The Kitchen?
Families that have members both with and without celiac disease under one roof often have separate kitchen equipment. But is this something we should be concerned about? Is sharing kitchen equipment used for gluten containing foods safe for those with celiac disease? An October 2019 study sheds light on this common concern. The study tested […]
Red-haired girl sitting at the table indoors with boring face and looking away through messy hair, leaning on her elbow
The interconnectedness between the gut microbiome, stress hormones, and gut function is well documented in the scientific literature. Click here to read more about the strong interactions between these three entities, and listen to Dr. David Rakel from the Institute of Functional Medicine discuss tips on how to reduce stress to improve your gut health.
Homemade, microbe-fermented cabbage can offer a delightful crunch and a refreshingly clear acidity compared to the soggy, pasteurized...
Medications & Weight Gain Linked
Could your medication be the cause of your weight gain or inability to lose weight? A recent study presented at the United European Gastroenterology week this year found that commonly prescribed medications significantly alter the gut microbiome, increasing the risk of infection, weight gain, obesity, and a host of other diseases and conditions related to […]
An Alternative Treatment For Crohn’s
Annette is a patient born in Argentina who I saw in consultation for Crohn’s disease. Like most people from that part of the world, she received the bacillus Calmette–Guérin, or BCG, vaccine against tuberculosis as a child. Since the vaccine is prepared from a strain of live tuberculosis that has lost its virulence in humans, […]
Colonoscopy Bad For Gut Health?
Tabatha: I have spent years rebuilding my gut after reading your book, The Microbiome Solution. After 4 years of amazing health, I’m afraid of the damage that my next colonoscopy might do to my rebuilt gut microbiome. Should I be concerned and how can I still do my scheduled colonoscopies with the least amount of […]
Fungus Linked To Pancreatic Cancer
A fungus found on the skin and scalp of humans and animals may drive pancreatic cancer. A study published in Nature last month found that the fungus, a yeast known as Malassezia (which has also been linked to inflammatory bowel disease), can settle in the pancreas (an organ that was thought to be sterile until […]
Plant-Based Diet: Risks & Benefits
Introduction  Looking for the right path to a healthier, more vibrant you? The answer could lie in one simple act – EAT MORE PLANTS. We’re often attracted to complicated diets and workout routines that keep our wheels spinning, but many times our waistlines remain the same. Eating more plants is an easy way to drastically […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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