Knowledge, like food,
is powerful medicine.

Young woman having painful stomachache. Chronic gastritis. Abdomen bloating concept.
My patient Barbara is a fifty-seven-year-old judge who in the last several years has been very careful about her food: no trans fats, nothing processed, no red meat, organic fruits and vegetables from the farmer’s market, and at least 20 grams of fiber a day. Given her healthy eating habits, she was completely perplexed as […]
Diabetes checking blood sugar level. Woman using glucometer on blue background, top view
In February of this year, we posted an article in our column, Latest Research, regarding the connection between the gut microbiome and blood glucose levels. Research shows that instead of blood glucose response being constant for all foods across all individuals, the gut microbiome actually plays a large role in determining how the body responds […]
peanut isolated on white background
Alterations in the gut microbiome during infancy are linked to allergies. In a recent study, scientists discover specific gut bacteria strains that act as protection, re-establishing food allergy tolerance. Nature Medicine The study collected fecal samples from 56 infants with allergies every 4 to 6 months and compared the microbial contents to the fecal microbiota […]
fresh ginger root on white background
Ginger has a long history of medicinal use to treat a multitude of ailments due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor properties, which have been documented in the scientific literature. Its benefits for gut health are widely publicized, and it is currently used as an integrative approach for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) relief, excessive gas, […]
Natural herbal additives from herbs, poured from a white jar. The concept of healthy eating. Detox.
A study published this month finds that micronutrient deficiencies, specifically in zinc, copper, vitamin B12, albumin, and folate, are common in newly diagnosed celiac disease patients, even in the absence of other malabsorption symptoms like weight loss and diarrhea. The study retrospectively analyzed micronutrient status of 30 newly diagnosed celiac patients and compared their data […]
Woman cleaning and polishing the kitchen worktop with a spray detergent, housekeeping and hygiene concept
This all-natural household cleaner is a staple for those practicing the Live Dirty Lifestyle. A natural disinfectant and harmless to the microbiome, mix this cleaner and use for all purposes and in every room in the house! Ingredients ½ cup white vinegar 4 cups of water 12 drops of tea tree oil 12 drops of […]
Dr. Chutkan’s Microbiome Reboot: When To Eat
“Did you know that when you eat might be just as important as what you eat? Studies show that fasting, also known as intermittent fasting, and not eating after the sun sets can yield vast benefits for your digestion, your microbiome, and even your overall health. Fasting may seem like a scary word, and actually […]
Colorectal Cancer Screening Age Changed To 45
Did you know the recommended age for colorectal cancer (CRC) screening is now 45 for the general population (or those at average risk)? The age recommendation (previously 50) changed in May 2018 after researchers analyzed data and found that the rate of new CRC cases is increasing in younger adult populations. This new age recommendation […]
The Voluptuous Venus Colon
Anne is a wisp of a woman who’s been terribly bloated and constipated for as long as she can remember. Two tablespoons of psyllium husk (soluble plant fiber that adds bulk to the stool) and one tablespoon of ground flax seed in the morning, followed by two capfuls of a polyethylene glycol osmotic cathartic (a […]
Pouring water from bottle on  glass on light background
Drinking at least a couple liters of water every day is important for regular bowel movements and overall gut health, but it’s not just the amount of water you’re drinking – the quality of your water matters too, especially when it comes to the health of your gut bacteria. Modern water systems are treated with chlorine, a disinfectant that […]
Healthy food concept.  Fresh Organic Coconut Water with coconuts, ice cubes and mint, on light blue background, copy space top view
Coconut water is one of the biggest wellness fads in the last 10 years. But is it everything it claims to be: a great source of potassium, magnesium, antioxidants, amino acids, and even cytokinins (a hormone with hypothesized antiaging, cancer-fighting properties), plus low in calories, and an excellent hydration tool? I can definitely speak to […]
The Voluptuous Venus Colon
Did you know women have longer colons than men – on average four to five inches longer? That may not seem like much but it can cause a lot of extra looping and twists and turns – what I like to call: The Voluptuous Venus Colon.  Women also have a wider, deeper, pelvis in order to […]
3D illustration of fungi Candida, the causative agent of candidiasis, thrush, systemic invasive infections. Pathogenic fungus or yeast
Candida auris is resistant to many anti-fungals and has recently been making its way around the world. If it makes its way into your bloodstream, it can cause a life threatening infection. Mostly found in hospitals and nursing homes, once Candida auris is present, it’s extremely difficult to get rid of. What you need to know about Candida auris: 587 cases have […]
3d rendered medically accurate illustration of intestinal villi
Did you know that the enteric nervous system (ENS – the nervous system that controls the functions of the gut) has half a billion neurons – that’s five times the amount than in your spinal cord – which is why the gut is often referred to as “the second brain”? 90% of your “feel good” […]
Bathroom scale isolated on bathroom floor
Do you struggle to lose weight? Your microbiome could have something to do with it. A recent study implemented a 3-month lifestyle intervention in 26 overweight and obese adults (aged 18 to 65) and compared weight loss success (defined as losing 5% or more of baseline body weight) with microbial composition. Results showed an association between […]
Clostridium difficile bacteria, 3D illustration. Spore-forming bacteria that cause pseudomembraneous colitis and are associated with nosocomial antibiotic resistance
The secret behind Clostridium difficile strength is uncovered. C. Diff, a harmful bacterial infection that often takes hold after antibiotic exposure and is more common in hospitals, was found to release para-cresol, a special compound that prevents other bacteria from growing. This compound gives C. Diff a competitive advantage and dominance over the intestinal microbiota. PLOS C. Diff affects half a million […]
White towels pattern. Bathroom, spa, bath, sauna concept.
Along with a balanced gut microbiome, a balanced skin microbiome is THE most important predictor for glowing, blemish-free skin – especially since after your gut, your skin is really your second biggest digestive organ. The beauty industry has convinced us that bacteria on the skin are a no-no and that the best thing to do […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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