Knowledge, like food,
is powerful medicine.

Infections in childhood increase obesity risk
Previous studies have assessed the relationship between antibiotic use and childhood obesity, but these studies didn’t take into account the possibility that the infections themselves (and not just the medications used to treat them) may also increase childhood obesity risk. This study followed over 61,000 children over a 4-year period and assessed infection frequency and […]
Variety is key for the microbiome
I’m fond of pointing out that “you are what you feed your microbes”, and more and more scientific evidence is bearing that out. A recent Washington Post article highlights just how important it is to feed your gut bacteria what they need, which is lots of indigestible and hard-to-digest plant fiber. But it turns out […]
Ultra-processed foods tied to colon cancer in men
These results seem odd; why men and not women? Let’s take a closer look at this study. Researchers from Tufts University assessed the influence of ultra-processed foods (including sugar-sweetened beverages, ready-to-eat meat-containing meals, baked goods, etc.) on cancer risk in three groups of men and women. Food consumption was measured using a dietary intake form […]
FMT Plus Diet Intervention Leads to UC Remission
Fecal microbiota transplant (FMT), plus anti-inflammatory diet leads to remission in ulcerative colitis (UC). In a randomized trial, researchers split ulcerative colitis patients into two groups: an FMT group who was also eating an anti-inflammatory diet, and a standard medical therapy group with no dietary recommendations. 66% of patients in the FMT group showed a positive […]
Eating Earlier In The Day Lowers Body Weight & Blood Pressure
Eating within an early 8-hour window is more effective than a 12-hour fast. Eating within a 12-hour window (for example, eating breakfast at 8am and ending your last meal at 8pm) is typical for most of us. To test whether or not timing matters when practicing restrictive eating, researchers split people into two groups – a control […]
Half of Cancer Deaths Linked to Preventable Risk Factors
Half of all cancer deaths are preventable. Yes, you read that correctly! A new study found that close to half of all cancer deaths worldwide are associated with preventable risk factors. The behaviors that contribute to the majority of preventable cancer deaths include: • Smoking• Alcohol consumption• Elevated body mass index (BMI) Other notable risk factors included […]
Gut-Skin Connection Uncovered
Microbial imbalance ages your skin. Microbial health is intimately connected to age-related physical and intellectual decline, but the relationship between the gut microbiome and how your skin ages is less known. New studies show a direct link between cellular senescence and microbial imbalance (dysbiosis). Cellular senescence is simply the process of getting older. As cells age, they […]
Anthocyanins Influence Gut Microbes & Delay Age-Related Decline
Compounds in certain foods prevent age-related disorders. Anthocyanins are a group of chemical compounds in plants that are associated with anti-aging and disease prevention. They’re commonly found in red, purple, and blue fruits and vegetables and they’re strongly associated with healthy aging. Anthocyanins modulate the gut microbiome to help prevent age-related cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurodegenerative […]
Gut Microbiome Holds Key To Healthy Aging
The gut microbiome is key to healthy aging. We all experience physical and cognitive age-related decline – which can begin as early as age 30! But the onset and rate of this decline could depend heavily on your gut microbiome. “Healthy aging” – or delayed age-related decline – is something we all aspire to and […]
Gut-Skin Connection Uncovered
Microbial imbalance ages your skin. Microbial health is intimately connected to age-related physical and intellectual decline, but the relationship between the gut microbiome and how your skin ages is less known. New studies show a direct link between cellular senescence and microbial imbalance (dysbiosis). Cellular senescence is simply the process of getting older. As cells age, they […]
Anthocyanins Influence Gut Microbes & Delay Age-Related Decline
Compounds in certain foods prevent age-related disorders. Anthocyanins are a group of chemical compounds in plants that are associated with anti-aging and disease prevention. They’re commonly found in red, purple, and blue fruits and vegetables and they’re strongly associated with healthy aging. Anthocyanins modulate the gut microbiome to help prevent age-related cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurodegenerative […]
Gut Microbiome Holds Key To Healthy Aging
The gut microbiome is key to healthy aging. We all experience physical and cognitive age-related decline – which can begin as early as age 30! But the onset and rate of this decline could depend heavily on your gut microbiome. “Healthy aging” – or delayed age-related decline – is something we all aspire to and […]
Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Increase Cancer Risk
Liver cancer is now the 6th most common cause of cancer deaths in the US. Some risk factors are well known, like viral hepatitis, smoking, alcohol, obesity, diabetes, and cirrhosis (a late-stage liver disease that permanently damages the tissue). But more than 40% of liver cancers can’t be explained by any of those known risk […]
Healthy Plant-Based Diet Reduces Breast Cancer Risk
Researchers looked at adherence to a healthy plant-based diet and its association with breast cancer risk in over 65,000 women. Unique to this study, the quality of plant-based foods consumed was taken into consideration. Plant foods were categorized into two groups: healthy plant foods (including whole grains, fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes, vegetable oils, and tea) […]
Regular Alcohol Consumption Alters the Gut Microbiome
A March 2022 review study published in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology found that people with alcohol use disorder (AUD) have specific changes in their gut microbiome that include decreases in “good” bacteria like Faecalibacterium, which have anti-inflammatory properties, and Roseburia, which help maintain the integrity of the gut barrier. Too much alcohol can […]
Is Your Liver Healthy?
As alcohol use has increased exponentially during the pandemic, this is a question many of us may be thinking about. In fact, a recent study found that alcohol-associated liver disease is a leading contributor to liver-associated cancer deaths worldwide. Alcohol consumption can cause excessive fat buildup in the liver (fatty liver or hepatic steatosis), inflammation […]
Does Alcohol Increase Colon Cancer Risk?
Alcohol increases colon cancer risk, independent of genetic risk. The study, published in May of this year in EClinical Medicine, looked at alcohol consumption and its association with colorectal cancer risk in over 9,000 patients. Alcohol consumption was self-reported using the following categories: abstinent (0g/d), low (less than 1 drink daily), low to moderate (1 […]
Signs of Concussion Can Be Found in the Gut
Signs of a concussion can be found in the gut, according to a Houston Methodist study. Researchers who conducted the study took blood, stool, and saliva samples from 33 Rice University football players and found that tracking changes in the gut microbiome following head injury could act as an important marker for diagnosing concussions and […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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