
10 Questions to Ask Before Taking an Antibiotic
A one-week course of antibiotics can remove up to 1/3 of your gut bacteria - and that damage can’t be undone by just taking a probiotic, so you need to be absolutely certain that you really need that antibiotic. In today’s episode, I’m going to share ten critical questions to ask your health care provider if you’ve been prescribed an antibiotic that can help you limit the damage to your gut microbiome.
Can Pneumonia Get Better Without Antibiotics?
My daughter (3 years old) was diagnosed with pneumonia. Are antibiotics a must, or can we wait it out and see how her body responds without medication? As flu season approaches, this is a dilemma many of us may experience. Antibiotics are the standard of care for children diagnosed with pneumonia. This is mostly due […]
To Treat or Not
For anyone who's ever questioned the need - or the risk - of taking an antibiotic for a non-life threatening infection like Strep, this episode gives you a framework to help you make these decisions.
Infections in childhood increase obesity risk
Previous studies have assessed the relationship between antibiotic use and childhood obesity, but these studies didn’t take into account the possibility that the infections themselves (and not just the medications used to treat them) may also increase childhood obesity risk. This study followed over 61,000 children over a 4-year period and assessed infection frequency and […]
Antibiotics Decrease Hormonal Contraceptive Effectiveness
Antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives in a new study. Anecdotal evidence shows women getting pregnant on hormonal contraceptives (this includes the pill, the patch, the vaginal ring, implants, IUDs, and injections) while taking antibiotics. Yet, past research has shown either no interaction between hormonal contraceptives and antibiotics or the findings have been inconclusive. […]
Heap of red and pink proibiotics capsule on white
Oral antibiotics are tied to colorectal cancer (CRC). Researchers matched over 28,000 patients with CRC found in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink database with controls. Results showed that CRC risk depends on antibiotic type and location in the colon, but overall, CRC risk was dose dependent with any antibiotic use. Antibiotics with anti-anaerobic activity, which […]
Leaky Gut Risk Factors
Hilary didn’t have a history of lots of antibiotic use in the past, but she was a picky eater in childhood who avoided fruits and vegetables like the plague. She was now in her thirties and in good health until a case of severe gastroenteritis, with nausea, vomiting, fever, and dehydration led to a five-day […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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