Knowledge, like food,
is powerful medicine.

Gut Bugs Do More Than We Think
Did you know that your gut bugs play a key role in determining your likes and dislikes? And we’re not just talking about food here! Your gut bacteria – along with your genes and your environment – determine your preferences in some of the most important aspects of your life, including your romantic partners and […]
This Is Your Weight Loss Enemy
When we want to lose weight, most of us immediately start counting calories as our go-to method. But did you know it’s not the calories themselves that primarily cause weight gain? It’s much more about what kind of food you eat, not how much you eat. And one of the most harmful foods for an […]
How Sugar Accelerates Ageing
At Gutbliss we consider the gut to be the innermost lining of your skin. Research supports the strong association between gut health and skin health, so it’s only natural that something we know to be unhealthy for the gut, most likely also negatively impacts the skin. Sugar, one of the most beloved food groups of […]
Healthy lifestyle, food is medicine, concept flatlay with fruit and vegetables in pocket of white doctor's coat with clipboard and stethoscope.
Listen to Dr. Chutkan in her latest interview on The People’s Pharmacy podcast as she discusses how to keep diverticulosis under control with a high fiber diet rich in key plant-based foods. For more on diverticulosis, including testing, diagnosis, and treatment, check out Diverticulosis – Widespread & Overlooked.
White medicine capsules probiotic powder inside. Close up. High resolution product. Health care concept
Based on the article published in last edition’s Weight Loss column, we know there’s a strong link between weight management and our gut bacteria. We also know that probiotics have been associated with positively altering the gut microbiome. So, is it safe to say that supplementing with a probiotic can help us lose weight? Let’s […]
Celiac Disease - Printed Diagnosis with Blurred Text. On Background of Medicaments Composition - Blue Pills, Injections and Syringe.
Celiac disease affects approximately 1% of the population in Western countries, yet about 83% of those who suffer from the disease go undiagnosed or are misdiagnosed. In 2019, celiac diagnostic rates are estimated to reach between 50 and 60% due to raising disease awareness.   A 2019 study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that screening […]
Salt Shaker on desk
Bloating is generally caused by gas (and sometimes fluid), and it usually ebbs and flows—you may have a flat abdomen in the morning but by evening, you look and feel 6 months pregnant. Bloating has become a rapidly increasing epidemic. For many, the symptoms are daily and relentless, but even when symptoms aren’t severe, they […]
Gut Bugs Do More Than We Think
Did you know that your gut bugs play a key role in determining your likes and dislikes? And we’re not just talking about food here! Your gut bacteria – along with your genes and your environment – determine your preferences in some of the most important aspects of your life, including your romantic partners and […]
This Is Your Weight Loss Enemy
When we want to lose weight, most of us immediately start counting calories as our go-to method. But did you know it’s not the calories themselves that primarily cause weight gain? It’s much more about what kind of food you eat, not how much you eat. And one of the most harmful foods for an […]
How Sugar Accelerates Ageing
At Gutbliss we consider the gut to be the innermost lining of your skin. Research supports the strong association between gut health and skin health, so it’s only natural that something we know to be unhealthy for the gut, most likely also negatively impacts the skin. Sugar, one of the most beloved food groups of […]
White medicine capsules probiotic powder inside. Close up. High resolution product. Health care concept
Based on the article published in last edition’s Weight Loss column, we know there’s a strong link between weight management and our gut bacteria. We also know that probiotics have been associated with positively altering the gut microbiome. So, is it safe to say that supplementing with a probiotic can help us lose weight? Let’s […]
Celiac Disease - Printed Diagnosis with Blurred Text. On Background of Medicaments Composition - Blue Pills, Injections and Syringe.
Celiac disease affects approximately 1% of the population in Western countries, yet about 83% of those who suffer from the disease go undiagnosed or are misdiagnosed. In 2019, celiac diagnostic rates are estimated to reach between 50 and 60% due to raising disease awareness.   A 2019 study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that screening […]
Salt Shaker on desk
Bloating is generally caused by gas (and sometimes fluid), and it usually ebbs and flows—you may have a flat abdomen in the morning but by evening, you look and feel 6 months pregnant. Bloating has become a rapidly increasing epidemic. For many, the symptoms are daily and relentless, but even when symptoms aren’t severe, they […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
Dr. Chutkan's Newsletter
Read the latest news and research from Dr. Chutkan’s blog. From the most up to date science on the microbiome, to the best in gut-derived wellness – we are your complete guide to gut health! Sign-up now and receive FREE access to the Gutbliss Food Guide, Meal Plan, & Recipes, which includes all the basics on how to eat to optimize your microbial health.