Knowledge, like food,
is powerful medicine.

Colorful incense stick. Lavender, Rose, Patchouli, Sandal
First results are in! Researchers using a birth-cohort of 33,000 Chinese babies have released impressive findings already, just 6 years after the start of the cohort. Scientists found that exposure to incense burning, a practice common in southern China, increases hypertension risk in pregnant mothers. Nature →Takeaway: Exposure to fumes and chemicals during pregnancy may be risky for both […]
Artificial Sweeteners Prevent Gut Bacteria From Reproducing
Non-nutritive sweeteners, or artificial sweeteners including Stevia, have bacteriostatic effects that prevent gut bacteria from reproducing and increase Firmucutes in mice. PLOS →Takeaway: Eliminating non-nutritive sweeteners from the diet is an important step in improving microbial health. Even Stevia can be problematic, although derived from a natural source. If you feel the need to sweeten a beverage or […]
Homemade tomato and red pepper gazpacho soup.
This chilled Middle Eastern tomato-based soup is refreshing, spicy, and flavorful, and it can also be made in advance and served on a warm summer day. You get the perfect combination of spices that offer anti-inflammatory benefits along with a huge dose of lycopene from the fresh tomatoes.  SERVES 4 Ingredients 4 cloves garlic, minced […]
homemade healthy Chia seeds and strawberry overnight oatmeal in jar. toning. selective Focus
Overnight oats are a great option when you need a handy breakfast to go but you still want to eat according to the Live Dirty, Eat Clean Lifestyle. Add omega-rich chia seeds into the mix, and you have an easy-to-make, portable breakfast. Combine the ingredients in a jar at night, then in the morning top […]
Oreo (chocolate and cream) cookies on pink pastel background, top view.
Ultra-processed food and drinks (fish sticks, chicken nuggets, cookies, sweetened drinks, etc.) increase the risk of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and functional dyspepsia (FD or chronic indigestion). A recent French study analyzed dietary data from over 33,000 participants and found that approximately 16% of food consumed (by weight) was made up of ultra-processed foods, which account […]
variety of prebiotic foods, raw green banana, asparagus, onions, garlic, leeks, berries and green beans for gut health
Prebiotic supplementation could replace the low FODMAPs diet as a treatment for functional gut disorders (IBS, constipation, functional dyspepsia, etc.). A 4-week study compared the effects of a prebiotic supplement plus Mediterranean-type diet, versus a placebo supplement plus low FODMAP diet for 2 weeks. Fecal microbiota composition, intestinal gas production, and digestive sensations were measured outcomes. […]
Ricotta roasted garlic mashed cauliflower. toning. selective focus
Who doesn’t love a heaping scoop of “mashed potatoes” to complement dinner? Loaded with nutrients and flavor, this cauliflower version will fill you up without filling you out. Serves 4 to 6 Ingredients 1 head cauliflower, cut into small florets 2 tablespoons olive oil, clarified butter, or ghee, plus a drizzle to cook the garlic […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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