
top view of different fruits and vegetables on marble table
What you eat alters your genes and those of your children. A new study reviews maternal diets during pregnancy and how maternal nutrient status and intake can cause epigenetic (environmental effects on gene expression) changes that increase obesity risk and other disease risk in offspring. Frontiers in Genetics →Takeaway: Nutrition is THE most important environmental factor that can […]
Colorful incense stick. Lavender, Rose, Patchouli, Sandal
First results are in! Researchers using a birth-cohort of 33,000 Chinese babies have released impressive findings already, just 6 years after the start of the cohort. Scientists found that exposure to incense burning, a practice common in southern China, increases hypertension risk in pregnant mothers. Nature →Takeaway: Exposure to fumes and chemicals during pregnancy may be risky for both […]
Low Maternal Omega-3 Intake Linked To Offspring Weight Gain & Metabolic Dysfunction In Adulthood
Weight gain and metabolic dysfunction in adulthood could be linked to maternal omega-3 fatty acid intake during gestation and lactation. A recent mouse study found that maternal PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acid) production during pregnancy and nursing significantly reduced weight gain and markers for metabolic dysfunction in male offspring fed a high fat diet. The study states […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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