Knowledge, like food,
is powerful medicine.

COVID-19 Special Edition
Dear members of the Gutbliss community, We hope you and your loved ones are safe during these incredibly challenging times. In this special edition we’ve put together some COVID-19 gut-focused articles, resources and information to help keep you healthy. From the latest research showing that fresh air and sunlight are important factors in combating coronavirus, […]
Physical Activity During The COVID-19 Pandemic
We all know that physical activity is one of the best ways to optimize your health, but can exercising during the COVID-19 pandemic put you at a higher risk of infection? And if you are infected, can it prolong infection and put you at a greater risk for experiencing complications? Without a doubt, exercise is […]
Soaps, Sanitizers, and A Homemade Version
At Gutbliss, we recommend washing your hands thoroughly with warm water for 30 seconds with an all-natural soap as the gold standard for keeping your hands clean during the COVID-19 pandemic. What about antibacterial soap? First, antibacterial soap kills bacteria, not viruses, and the coronavirus is just that… a virus. And second, no matter the […]
Some Medications May Increase COVID-19 Risk
Certain medications could make you more susceptible to contracting COVID-19 and could worsen infection. NSAIDs: You may have already heard that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen and aspirin used to reduce pain, fever, and inflammation) may aggravate coronavirus infection. Because these drugs may affect the immune response, they can potentially elongate the infection time […]
IBD And COVID-19: Am I At A Higher Risk For Complications?
Those with autoimmune disease are on heightened alert with the spread of COVID-19. The coronavirus not only poses a risk to our population as a whole, but especially to those with pre-existing conditions. At Gutbliss, we hold a special place for patients suffering from autoimmunity, and especially those with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD – Crohn’s […]
Dirt, Sweat, Veg: How To Promote Gut Health For Strong Immunity
We’re all grasping for ways to protect ourselves and our family members from COVID-19. But how do we do this when it seems to be all around us? Right now, the best way to protect yourself is to follow the “stay home” guideline, but even still, some experts predict that approximately 50% of the population […]
Open Air Could Help Combat COVID-19
Fresh air and sunlight could be important factors in combating the Coronavirus. Past studies have highlighted the phenomenon called the “open-air factor” (OAF), defined as the “germicidal constituent in outdoor air that reduces the survival and infectivity of pathogens”, which has been proven to reduce the survival and infectivity of harmful bacteria such as Escherichia […]
COVID-19 Possesses A Strong GI Component
COVID-19 possesses a strong GI component. As details on coronavirus symptoms and transmission evolve, it has become clear that COVID-19 has a gastrointestinal element. Commonly reported coronavirus symptoms include nausea, abdominal discomfort, vomiting, and diarrhea, which often present themselves before the onset of respiratory symptoms. In fact, in the latest study looking at GI symptoms […]
COVID-19 Special Edition
Dear members of the Gutbliss community, We hope you and your loved ones are safe during these incredibly challenging times. In this special edition we’ve put together some COVID-19 gut-focused articles, resources and information to help keep you healthy. From the latest research showing that fresh air and sunlight are important factors in combating coronavirus, […]
Physical Activity During The COVID-19 Pandemic
We all know that physical activity is one of the best ways to optimize your health, but can exercising during the COVID-19 pandemic put you at a higher risk of infection? And if you are infected, can it prolong infection and put you at a greater risk for experiencing complications? Without a doubt, exercise is […]
Soaps, Sanitizers, and A Homemade Version
At Gutbliss, we recommend washing your hands thoroughly with warm water for 30 seconds with an all-natural soap as the gold standard for keeping your hands clean during the COVID-19 pandemic. What about antibacterial soap? First, antibacterial soap kills bacteria, not viruses, and the coronavirus is just that… a virus. And second, no matter the […]
Some Medications May Increase COVID-19 Risk
Certain medications could make you more susceptible to contracting COVID-19 and could worsen infection. NSAIDs: You may have already heard that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen and aspirin used to reduce pain, fever, and inflammation) may aggravate coronavirus infection. Because these drugs may affect the immune response, they can potentially elongate the infection time […]
IBD And COVID-19: Am I At A Higher Risk For Complications?
Those with autoimmune disease are on heightened alert with the spread of COVID-19. The coronavirus not only poses a risk to our population as a whole, but especially to those with pre-existing conditions. At Gutbliss, we hold a special place for patients suffering from autoimmunity, and especially those with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD – Crohn’s […]
Open Air Could Help Combat COVID-19
Fresh air and sunlight could be important factors in combating the Coronavirus. Past studies have highlighted the phenomenon called the “open-air factor” (OAF), defined as the “germicidal constituent in outdoor air that reduces the survival and infectivity of pathogens”, which has been proven to reduce the survival and infectivity of harmful bacteria such as Escherichia […]
COVID-19 Possesses A Strong GI Component
COVID-19 possesses a strong GI component. As details on coronavirus symptoms and transmission evolve, it has become clear that COVID-19 has a gastrointestinal element. Commonly reported coronavirus symptoms include nausea, abdominal discomfort, vomiting, and diarrhea, which often present themselves before the onset of respiratory symptoms. In fact, in the latest study looking at GI symptoms […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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