Mental health

Psychobiotics – Do They Really Work?
Psychobiotics are a class of probiotics (live bacteria) that confer a mental health benefit.  The gut is often referred to as the “2nd brain” and houses 90% of your body’s serotonin – the “feel good” hormone. As the link between the gut and the brain becomes more evident, utilizing psychobiotics to improve mental health will […]
Probiotics & Prebiotics Prove Useful For Treating Depression & Anxiety Symptoms
Prebiotic and probiotic supplements may improve depression symptoms; a June 2020 review study shows. Scientists analyzed 7 of the highest quality studies conducted in the last 15 years assessing the effectiveness of single and multi-strain pre- and probiotics in improving depressive symptoms in patients with a clinical diagnosis of depression. Researchers included only those studies […]
Red-haired girl sitting at the table indoors with boring face and looking away through messy hair, leaning on her elbow
The interconnectedness between the gut microbiome, stress hormones, and gut function is well documented in the scientific literature. Click here to read more about the strong interactions between these three entities, and listen to Dr. David Rakel from the Institute of Functional Medicine discuss tips on how to reduce stress to improve your gut health.
Diet Impacts Depressive Symptoms In Young Adults
The link between diet and depression is meaningful in an at-risk population. In only the second study ever conducted in young adults looking at the therapeutic impact of diet on depression, researchers found that a short 3-week dietary intervention, utilizing a diet comprised of vegetables, fruits, other whole plant foods, fish and lean meats, resulted […]
Meditation & Its Impact On Gut Health
Closing your eyes with intention can be transformative. The sound of your breath amplifies in your nose and throat; your senses sharpen to taste, touch, and scent. The external world melts away for a moment as you withdraw into yourself. Your stream of consciousness, now unveiled, reveals the magnitude of thoughts, emotions, and memories you […]
Intestines and pills, probiotics, antibiotics. Gut protection, recovery from illness and treatment.
Altering the gut microbiome improves anxiety, but not with probiotics. Researchers analyzed 21 studies, including over 1,500 participants, which looked at altering gut bacteria to improve anxiety. 14 of the studies used probiotic interventions, while 7 of the studies used non-probiotic (or dietary) interventions. Results found that the non-probiotic interventions were significantly more successful in […]
Yellow pills andfunny faces in a blister on a blue background. The concept of antidepressants and healing
Those who use antidepressants are significantly more likely to experience severe gastrointestinal bleeding, and the risk is increased in those who take over-the-counter pain relievers (such as Advil, Motrin, Aleve, Coumadin, aspirin, and Plavix). The 2019 review study looked at selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), prescribed to 13% of Americans 12 years and older and the […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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