Mental health

Yellow pills andfunny faces in a blister on a blue background. The concept of antidepressants and healing
Those who use antidepressants are significantly more likely to experience severe gastrointestinal bleeding, and the risk is increased in those who take over-the-counter pain relievers (such as Advil, Motrin, Aleve, Coumadin, aspirin, and Plavix). The 2019 review study looked at selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), prescribed to 13% of Americans 12 years and older and the […]
Reduction In Gut Bacteria Species Linked To Depression
 A reduction in specific gut bacteria is linked to lower quality of life and incidents of depression. The study – one of the most compelling in illustrating the influence the gut microbiota has on mental health – included 1,063 participants enrolled in Belgium’s Flemish Gut Flora Project. Using DNA sequencing to analyze fecal microbiota, researchers compared […]
Winter landscape seen through the window, and green plant on a windowsill.
 A recent study unveils the likely cause behind seasonal depression, a condition that affects 1 in 5 people. Light-sensing cells in the retina that affect whether you feel happy or sad connect with your brain. When the retina cells detect shorter days, the cells send signals to the brain that can result in feelings of sadness […]
Cute tiny Syrian hamster on a bright blue background
The stress experienced during competitive social situations negatively affects the gut microbiome. The experiment was performed in Syrian hamsters, animals that compete to establish hierarchies of dominant and subordinate groups. The study analyzed gut bacteria before the hamsters met and after they had competed for hierarchical placement, then compared these samples to a control group of […]
Young woman rubbing her eyes feel painful and take off her glasses siiting on sofa and rest one's eyes at home
Stress and autoimmune disease are closely linked. An extensive study spanning 30 years and including over 100,000 study subjects found that individuals diagnosed with stress-related disorders were also 30 to 40 percent more likely to be diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder (including Crohn’s disease and celiac disease). Researchers also found that those patients diagnosed with PTSD […]
Word Relax on beach - vacation concept background
Relax! It may be just what the doctor ordered. While studies find that mind-body practices (yoga, meditation, etc.) that induce the relaxation response (RR) reduce blood pressure, the molecular pathways that lead to this association remain unknown. A recent study analyzed RR’s effects on gene pathways over an 8-week RR-based intervention in 58 patients diagnosed with […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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