
Medical Procedures In The Age Of COVID
These days having a colonoscopy is no easy feat. In addition to the usual inconvenience of a clear liquid diet the day before and a bowel prep to clean you out (thoroughly!), most endoscopy centers now require a negative COVID test a few days before your procedure, and then self quarantine until your procedure is […]
Non-Invasive Blood Assay Detects Early Colorectal Cancer
A new study looking at a non-invasive blood assay method to detect early colorectal cancer (CRC) could eventually mean the end of regular colonoscopy for CRC screening. The test capitalizes on new, more sensitive methods to detect circulating cells in the blood and looks at three blood markers: circulating gastrointestinal epithelial cells, somatic mutations and […]
A Colonoscopy Video Must See
Are you due for your colonoscopy (in case you missed it, the new screening age is 45) and looking for a little colonoscopy inspiration? Check out Will Smith’s colonoscopy video – an entertaining and informative must watch for everyone!
Colonoscopy Bad For Gut Health?
Tabatha: I have spent years rebuilding my gut after reading your book, The Microbiome Solution. After 4 years of amazing health, I’m afraid of the damage that my next colonoscopy might do to my rebuilt gut microbiome. Should I be concerned and how can I still do my scheduled colonoscopies with the least amount of […]
Celiac Disease - Printed Diagnosis with Blurred Text. On Background of Medicaments Composition - Blue Pills, Injections and Syringe.
Celiac disease affects approximately 1% of the population in Western countries, yet about 83% of those who suffer from the disease go undiagnosed or are misdiagnosed. In 2019, celiac diagnostic rates are estimated to reach between 50 and 60% due to raising disease awareness.   A 2019 study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that screening […]
Colorectal Cancer Screening Age Changed To 45
Did you know the recommended age for colorectal cancer (CRC) screening is now 45 for the general population (or those at average risk)? The age recommendation (previously 50) changed in May 2018 after researchers analyzed data and found that the rate of new CRC cases is increasing in younger adult populations. This new age recommendation […]
Does Microbiome Testing Offer An Accurate Picture?
Is your microbiome test giving you an accurate picture? A recent study looked at one of the most well known markers of microbial health – bacterial diversity. The researchers found that taking 5 fecal samples over 5 consecutive days portrays a more accurate picture of microbial diversity than just 1 sample. This study also concluded that when […]
Dr Robynne Chutkan
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