Review – 11/20/17

  1. Even healthy individuals can be at risk for developing heart disease… if they consume too much sugar. Clinical Science


  1. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is significantly associated with coronary artery disease in a study with 1059 participants. Researchers suggest screening for CAD may be beneficial in those diagnosed with SIBO. For more on SIBO, check out The Gutbliss Guide to SIBO, Dr. Chutkan’s 4-week virtual course. Digestive Diseases & Sciences


  1. Drinking alcohol, even in moderation, can raise cancer risk, especially for breast and esophageal cancers. Dr. Noelle LoConte, lead author of the study gives more insight into the recommendations on alcohol, “The message isn’t ‘Don’t drink.’ It’s ‘if you want to reduce your cancer risk, drink less. And if you don’t drink, don’t start.’” Society of Clinical Oncology


  1. Are probiotic pills worth the money? Recent studies show that labels aren’t always representative of what’s in the bottle. With a lack of FDA regulation, researchers found all sorts of problems, including traces of gluten in half of all probiotics tested; capsules containing only half the number of CFU’s advertised; and bacteria strains advertised on the bottle that weren’t found inside. NBC


  1. Breastfeeding reduces eczema by 54% in a cohort of 13,557 children whose mothers were enrolled in a breastfeeding support program. JAMA Pediatrics


  1. How well a medication works is dependent on gut bacteria make-up, including how effective certain cancer drugs are. Cancer Research


  1. The specific carbohydrate diet (SCD) proves an effective therapy for inflammatory bowel disease, showing positive clinical, lab, and microbial markers. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology


  1. Looking for a more sustainable, economical, and environmentally friendly protein source? Researchers assess the “opportunities and hurdles” of entomophaby, the consumption of insects – a practice that has growing traction. Nutrition Bulletin


  1. Breastfeeding protects against Group B streptococcus. HMOs (human milk oligosaccharides), a carbohydrate found in breast milk, destroy Group B strep directly and also breaks down the biofilm that surrounds the bacteria.   ACS Infectious Disease


  1. Research thus far finds that probiotic supplementation has insignificant effects on alleviating depressive symptoms. The findings were based on 10 randomized controlled trials. Journal of Affective Disorders


By: Leslie Ann Berg, MSPH