Knowledge, like food,
is powerful medicine.
Those who use antidepressants are significantly more likely to experience severe gastrointestinal bleeding, and the risk is increased in those who take over-the-counter pain relievers (such as Advil, Motrin, Aleve, Coumadin, aspirin, and Plavix). The 2019 review study looked at selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), prescribed to 13% of Americans 12 years and older and the […]
Have you recently taken an antibiotic and are looking to heal your gut? Drink ginger tea. Ginger has a soothing effect on the digestive system and can help to reduce gas and bloating associated with taking an antibiotic. For best results, follow my recipe below. For my ten tips on how to heal your gut after taking […]
A low sugar diet is an effective treatment in boys with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The study included 40 boys with NAFLD between the ages of 11 and 16. Half of the boys adopted a low sugar diet (added sugars making up less than 3% of total calorie intake) for 8 weeks, while the other […]
The tongue microbiome could help identify patients with early stage pancreatic cancer. While previous research shows a strong connection between gut microbial alterations and pancreatic cancer, this study is the first to show changes in the tongue microbiome. 30 patients with early-stage pancreatic cancer and 25 healthy individuals participated in the study. Analysis of the tongue […]
Are cholesterol-lowering drugs necessary? Essential oils may be just as effective. A recent study fed rats a high fat diet for 6 weeks that resulted in high cholesterol. Over the subsequent 6 weeks the rats maintained their high fat diets but were given oral doses of ginger and rosemary oils, alone and in combination. Oil administration […]
The gut microbiome in the first 2 years of life strongly correlates with body mass index (BMI) at age 12. A Norwegian study analyzed the gut microbiota at days 4, 10, 30, 120, 365, and 730 and the association with BMI at age 12 in 165 study participants. The researchers also looked at how BMI related […]
Gardening could be just as important in living longer as diet, exercise, and social connection. Researchers found that gardening is a common theme amongst centurions living in blue zones (areas of the world with the highest number of people over 100 years of age), and that those in their 60’s who garden regularly have a 32% lower […]
This sumptuous soup is great to have on hand and enjoy any time of day. It makes a nourishing snack as well as a filling addition to any meal. If you have a limited amount of time to prepare your food during the week, this is an easy way to guarantee that you get your […]
An unusually high number of disease-causing gene mutations in babies were uncovered in a genetic screening study that consisted of 159 babies and tested for over 5,000 genetic variations linked to disease. Approximately 9% of the babies tested possessed genetic alterations that put them at risk for childhood diseases, such as cancer, vitamin deficiencies, hearing loss, […]
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