
Queen V
A healthy vagina contains predominantly Lactobacillus species. These bacteria help protect you from pathogens by secreting acid, which makes it harder for viruses like HIV, HPV, and HSV to penetrate.
The Gutbliss Podcast
Gutbliss isn’t just the absence of GI symptoms; it’s the presence of physical and emotional wellbeing that starts in your gut, and on this podcast, I’m going to tell you exactly how to achieve it.
Dr Robynne Chutkan
Dr. Chutkan's Newsletter
Read the latest news and research from Dr. Chutkan’s blog. From the most up to date science on the microbiome, to the best in gut-derived wellness – we are your complete guide to gut health! Sign-up now and receive FREE access to the Gutbliss Food Guide, Meal Plan, & Recipes, which includes all the basics on how to eat to optimize your microbial health.